When old man winter blows across the midwest, Jack Frost turns the landscape into an artist’s canvas. When that snow comes, snowplows will be winding through town, up and down every street. We want to point out a few things that might make the winter a little more enjoyable.
- The Fortville Street Department closely monitors road conditions during normal business hours (M-F, 7 am-4 pm). If conditions worsen after hours, the Fortville Police Department will contact us.
- Preparing for each snow event (whether to plow, salt, etc.) involves many factors, including time, temperature, amount of snow, ice, blowing snow, and immediate forecasts.
- The town roads have been split into three groups Primary, Secondary, and Low-traffic.
- Primary roads have the most traffic and/or are the main access to and from the town. These roads are Garden, Maple, Merrill, Michigan, E. Ohio, Staat Streets, & 200 West. Keeping these roads open is our top priority.
- Secondary roads are all other roads within Town limits.
- Low-traffic Areas include alleys, dead ends, cul-de-sacs, and public parking lots.
- We plow from curb to curb as this helps us avoid buildup in the event of multiple storms. Thus, we ask that all vehicles and trash bins be moved off the street when two inches or more of snow is predicted. This will diminish the odds of accidents or vehicles being plowed/snowed in, while streetside.
- Children love to play in the snow. Please be sure that they stay away from the road when they do. Building “forts” and “igloos” near the road's edge can make it impossible to spot a child in time to adjust.
- Clearing of driveways and sidewalks is the responsibility of the property owner adjacent to the right of way.
- To avoid shoveling drives and walks more than necessary, waiting until the snow stops and we have plowed your street is a good idea.
- One last point, though an important one. As you clean the snow off your walks and drives, do not throw the snow into the road.
Your street department works long, and diligently before, during, and after these snowstorms to ensure that Fortville roads are passable. We are dedicated to making this town even better. The assistance in meeting this goal is greatly appreciated.